Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Attendance Software Design and modelling guide

Attendance Software Design and modelling

There are many software that has been developed to enable simulation of social and natural phenomena. Among them is Attendance software, which is a modelling environment. It is suited for modelling of complex systems that developed based within a given timespan. The developer tools allow the addition of workers that operate independently, as well as interacting workers. As such, it allows the simulation of employees management flow by considering the micro-level behaviors, whose interactions lead to the occurrence of macro patterns. At the same time, Attendance allows students and tutors to create their models for research.  Using the library provided, Attendance allows the users to download a given agent and provide a specified condition, such as performance, direction and time.

 Employees management  modelling and simulation

In the process of modeling and simulation, the first step is to define the model. Here, objects and workers representation are decided, as well as the parameters of each agent (Zhu, Hong, Patrick AV Hall, and John HR May, 2016). Here, the hr managers, staff members, software, employees management systems, relations and abnormal occurrences, such as accidents are defined.    Modelling staff attendance

The staff is modelled as individual entities as well as the hr managers. In this case, the staff parameters that are defined include maximum performance, maximum acceleration, and deceleration. These parameters enable the establishment of the rate of buildup of queues as well as discharging of the queus.

 Modelling hr managers applications

This process entails identification and representation of the behavior of hr managers, regarding their reaction to micro and macro goals. Macro goals include the routes taken, where the initial point and destination are the determinant of the route (Lansdowne, 2016).  They entail the daily planning and route generation properties.  On the other hand, micro goals entail decisions that a driver and make at each point in the Agent-based model, where their aim is to achieve the macro goal.

Outdoor attendance application

The environment is modelled as the offices  network, which has link sections, relations as well as control features. In this case, direction and use restrictions are considered as additional parameters, since the direction will determine the decisions made by the hr managers. The links also have length, the number of software as well as the performance limit.

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